
[ on the edge ]

Today, exactly today, Rita reached the end. Rita is ambivalent about this.

"This is fucking scary, i'm risking almost everything because you are almost everything to me."

"If i can't do it and i get scared, i'll never be free."

"Will i ever see you again after this?"

"Please, he must do something...he can't just sit and wonder! If he can't do anything about this, he's an asshole."

"...i don't deserve it. I don't deserve him. Maybe i wasn't born to be loved..."

"No one loves him the way i do. Not even the perfect girl. It's his loss, darling."

"...maybe, i was born to love without being loved..."

"After this jump, i'll be free and after all the shit my wings will appear."

"...and my heart will turn to stone, there won't be more snow..."

"The days behind the door are no longer here, the nights under the storm are about to disappear."

"...and this time, lived on the edge..."

"i've learned to leave behind, i've learned to reach the top, i've learned to cry no more."

"...this time you will forget."

Rita can't lose something that she never had but he was his first real love; doesn't matter if he played with her thoughts or if she fooled around with her own emotions, the edge is near and Rita is about to jump into the abyss.

Rita will live. Rita will die. Rita will forget about it. Rita will be tasting pain again.

2 comentarios:

Miluna Jauz dijo...

perdona mi internet tan tonto que no deja comentar nada! >__<
Hola querida...
cómo te fue?
Espero que bien... bueno, se que lo que sea que hicieras lo hiciste [@@?] asi que solo queda esperar(?)
Aunque ya sabes de mis servicios, siempre podemos ir con botarga y bat en mano, si quieres sin el bat ^^
Pase lo que pase sera para mejor, vos lo sabes, yo lo se, todo el mundo lo sabe.
Te quiero mucho pequeña Rita!
ya merito nos vemos ^^
espero hablar pronto con vos u.u
te mando muchos abrazos estrujadores y canciones que alegren tu día tota .D

Rita Kirwan dijo...

My dear Miluna, te veré tan pronto que para cuando leas esto, probablemente ya te habré visto!

Vos y moi hablaremos pronto y te contaré qué es lo que hice y qué tan extraño fue~

I ♥ you más de lo que i would ♥ a tres billones de kissecitos que no estuvieran tan totos ^^

P.S. Sí quiero el bat!!