Sí, ladies and gentlemen, conocí al mismísimo Joseph Francis "Buster" Keaton VI. Es complicado explicar el proceso que hizo que el time travelling device funcionara tal como lo esperábamos [mi equipo de investigación y moi], sólo diré que involucró mucho dinero y algunos viajes de prueba a un restaurante vegetariano en Nueva York.
El amor de mi vida...oh, le caí bien y le he prometido que toda relación de pareja que tenga al momento de que un autobús me atropelle o que confunda mi remedio para riñón con veneno para ratas será disuelta para que podamos vivir together forever...espero que haya comprendido el punto >_>
En otras cosas [no puedo dar detalles del time travelling device dado que un contrato me lo prohibe] les diré que he escrito otra poesía en inglés; hace tiempo compartí lo que escribí inspirada en una entrevista de Carl Barât con NME y el poema que hice para el W.A.S. Cheer.Team MX, en esta ocasión me torné más cursi y experimenté con otro esquema así que aquí les dejo mi bonita obra (:
"Land Lights" by Rita Kirwan.
It was a light
You were a big, bright one
I used to chase you into the dark
You used to sine out like a spark.
The cars were running
The clocks were ticking
Anything stopped when you got lost
Everything burned up when you got frost
The sparks kept shining
While you were dying.
I cried for you
I suffered, i missed you far too much
Then all went black
When you came back
My skin turned into ashes by your touch
The heart forgot i loved you by the crack.
We never seemed to understand
How complicated were this lies
They vanished with the wind
Just like you did from our land
When you walked far away
Anything refused to stay
Anything but the long-forgotten faith.
The lights and cars moved on
The world has never been a stone
And then i stopped for a while
To find myself attacked
By your one and only smile
The one you used to make
The one i knew it was fake.
I remember all the nights
I chased you into the lights
But that's part of our past
Those days went down too fast
It's time for us to say goodbye
To all the skies that saw us fly
The clocks were ticking
While i kept seeking
My other half.
It was a light
You were a big, bright one
I used to chase you into the dark
You used to sine out like a spark.
The cars were running
The clocks were ticking
Anything stopped when you got lost
Everything burned up when you got frost
The sparks kept shining
While you were dying.
I cried for you
I suffered, i missed you far too much
Then all went black
When you came back
My skin turned into ashes by your touch
The heart forgot i loved you by the crack.
We never seemed to understand
How complicated were this lies
They vanished with the wind
Just like you did from our land
When you walked far away
Anything refused to stay
Anything but the long-forgotten faith.
The lights and cars moved on
The world has never been a stone
And then i stopped for a while
To find myself attacked
By your one and only smile
The one you used to make
The one i knew it was fake.
I remember all the nights
I chased you into the lights
But that's part of our past
Those days went down too fast
It's time for us to say goodbye
To all the skies that saw us fly
The clocks were ticking
While i kept seeking
My other half.
No desconfío pero, sólo para que sepan, todas mis obras tienen copyright lo que significa que están registradas ante el gobierno, tengo papeles y todo (:
En fin, los amo my dear lector@s.
P.S. :: Los viajes en el tiempo aún no están disponibles para todo el público.
En fin, los amo my dear lector@s.
P.S. :: Los viajes en el tiempo aún no están disponibles para todo el público.
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